University of Oregon

From day one I have been a marketing major and have stayed true to that over 4 years. I joined the lacrosse team and have been a prolific member of the lacrosse community  for the past 4 years. I am hoping to take my passion for marketing into sales roles.

San Ramon, California

I grew up in San Ramon, California, in fact I never moved anywhere except within San Ramon. My entire life has revolved around this city and it will always be true to who I am. I became an athlete here, found friends here, and made some of life's biggest decisions here. I would not trade it for any other city and I am glad to call it home.


Photographs from a non-photgrapher

I have never considered myself as a heavy user of social media, or someone that even takes a lot of pictures. That being said, the pictures I do take tend to have a lot of meaning and perception to me, my friends, and some of the most important things in my life


Family has always been a major supporter for me throughout my life. Through failures and successes they have always been there to help me out whenever I need and I am forever grateful of that.

I have always considered myself to have a smaller family, but what we lack in size we make up for with personal connections and a strong history that brings us all closer together.


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